Kari Cairns is Remembered

In Her Rememberance
In Kari Cairn's rememberance, I dedicate this entire year for her. I will make sure that her spirit never dies, and that just because she is six feet under, doesn't mean its the end of Kari Elieen Cairns. Just like at her funeral, the pastor said "She is more Alive, than dead," and that is a fact. She will always and forever be in my heart, even when I have turned into an old woman with a family of my own, I will always remember and cherrish what little time I had with her... but enough to love her like a sister and to wish it was me instead of her. I wish whatever pain she was given that day, was mine, so she could live and get married and grow little Kari jrs. I wish I could go back in time and beg her to stay home that night. But I couldn't... I was in a different state... causing me to miss everything when I needed to be here the most... so everything this year is for her. My victories and my special moments... I will thank her first. She was there for me, whenever I needed her... and I will never forget that.

  Kari @ School
Kari at School, was the best thing there was at Highlander Way. She lit it up as if she were fire, and made everyone... every single person... feel loved. She was full of spunk, beauty, and life. She was energetic and was always hyper. She was the queen of seventh grade, most popular, most loved, most outstanding 13 year old, I have ever seen. Her smile made guys stutter and even blush, her words helped her girlfriends out through 'teen crisises', her presence made our School what it was in 2003. She was always talking in the halls, and you can see her jogging down to halls trying to beat the bell, and ended up late. She was never alone, never ashamed, or never embarassed. She was Kari... and we love her for that.

Kari @ Home
Kari at her home, was really... unique. I know because I live across the street from her, and my mom and her mom are close buds. Kari and her little sister Kelly fight all the time, but ended up best buds the second after. They were always hanging out with each others friends, and shopping for 'Hollister' or 'Ambercrombie and Fitch' and were always updated on style. Kari was really supportive with her two little sisters, and helping out around the house. From what I seen, Kari was a caring, helpful sister and always let Kelly lean on her shoulder when she felt down. Kari's mom Elle was always proud of Kari, and had always great things to say about her. Her father Ron, was equally proud, and was glad that she was loved and felt good before she passed away. Kari is loved and missed so much there, that for the first month the house felt empty, but now they have relaized that Kari still lives on... in each and everyone of them... and they support their smiles, and live their lives for Kari.

The true Kari
~Heres a list of ten words that come to mind when I think of Kari~

10.and Spunky

She is unique, loved, and remembered... I cant think of anything else she would want to be.


Kari Elieen Cairns we miss and love you!